What is Chabad?

Chabad is a home for any Jew looking for a warm and spiritual place to grow.

Chabad believes that every Jewish person, regardless of educational background or level of affiliation, has the right to explore and engage in our shared heritage. Our philosophy is inclusive and welcoming, ensuring you feel at home from the start. Everybody is invited and encouraged to “come as they are”.

We believe that Judaism should bring people together, not keep them apart. Our differences are opportunities for learning and growth.

You may see yourself as unaffiliated, Reform, Conservative or Orthodox. At Chabad we see you as Jewish. No labels. No differences.

Chabad is a home for every Jew.


Our Mission:

Dedicated to serving Wakefield and its neighboring Towns, our unwavering mission is to foster a thriving Jewish community built on meaningful connections and relationships.

Our goal is to provide everyone with the opportunity to connect to their Judaism by promoting Jewish pride and celebration.

Join our vibrant community offering a space open to every Jew and providing meaningful programs and events for the whole family!


Our Motivation and Philosophy:

Chabad is a global movement of Jewish education and community activism driven by the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Pictured below).

Motivated by a profound love for humanity and spurred by boundless optimism, the Rebbe lifted the global Jewish community from the ashes of the Holocaust and guided the establishment of an unprecedented range of Jewish institutions, outreach programs, and social services. 



“Each individual has the capacity to build communities and endow communities with life… so that every community member becomes a source of inspiration”

— The Lubavitcher Rebbe